I had thought and rejoiced my now 11yo son's food allergy to egg/milk has worked it's way out - however, Not. He surely wasn't responding with anaphylaxis when eating pizza or donuts.
That is surely a joy!!
However, eggs in donuts seem to have caused him diarrhea two days later (and discomfort in between).
Dairy in pizzas (cheese) over time has caused his lungs to react very slowly, to the point where he started wheezing when a cold virus hit him.
So off to being "off" of those again. It's better for him that way and for us as well.
He at least got to try them, and is now making the connection of what makes him feel bad.
Big growth compared to a toddler where Parents are responsible for what goes in and the result and the aftercare! I am so glad he's slowly and surely able to take responsibility on his own. Thanks for Growth.
Our cousin Sheila and I were exchanging wareneki recipes some time ago and
I finally got around to trying hers. They were very tasty! Here's Sheila's
12 hours ago